Managing Your Google and YouTube Data

At Shorthand Studios, we understand the importance of your online privacy and security. This page is dedicated to providing information about how your Google and YouTube data is used by Creator Services and outlines the steps you can take to manage or request the deletion of your data.

How Your Data is Used

By granting Creator Services access to your Google and YouTube data, we can offer advanced video analytics and services on top of it. We treat your data with the highest level of care and confidentiality and ensure it is never shared with third parties without your explicit consent.

Revoking Google and YouTube API Authorization

Your control over your data from Google and YouTube is paramount. Should you decide to revoke our access, here's how you can do it:

  1. Visit the Security Settings page of your Google account
  2. Locate 'Creator Services by Shorthand Studios' in the list.
  3. On the 'Creator Services by Shorthand Studios has some access to your Google Account' click 'See details'
  4. Click on 'Remove Access' and confirm your decision to revoke authorization.

By doing this, Creator Services will no longer have the permission to access or use your Google and YouTube data.

Deletion of Your Stored Data

After revoking our access:

Deletion Timeline: Your data that is stored by Creator Services will be queued for deletion and permanently removed from our systems within 30 days after we are unable to verify your authorization.
Data Integrity: During the 30-day period, your data will be securely stored and will not be processed or accessed.

Requesting Deletion of Your Data

If you wish to have your data removed from Creator Services without revoking Google and YouTube API access, please use the form below to submit your request: